Rosehip Facial Sunscreen

Rosehip Facial Sunscreen

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This sunscreen is made with low comedogenic ingredients so it is great for those who have oily skin and are worried about a facial sunscreen causing breakouts or clogged pores. This sunscreen can be a daily moisturizer, as anti-inflammatory, and free of harmful chemicals. 

Raspberry Seed Oil (28-50 SPF): sun protection, anti-inflammatory

Almond Oil (5 SPF): moisturizer 

Olive Oil infused with rosehips (2-8 SPF): anti-inflammatory, beta carotene, Vitamin A + C, helps fight signs of aging

Shea Butter (3-6 SPF): Moisturizer, anti-inflammatory

Grapeseed Oil infused with Ginger: anti-microbial and can help prevent acne, flushes out toxins in the skin, promotes elasticity, reduced damage due to free radicals 

Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil: used for the scent 

Zinc Oxide (15-30 SPF): sun protection

Vitamin E: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, preserves the product

Bees Wax: makes sunscreen waterproof, protection against the elements, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory

*Each jar contains 10 drops of Raspberry seed oil for maximum SPF coverage